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Proc Logistic

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Proc Logistic. PROC LOGISTIC Statement Options. Les variables catgorielles sont directement prises en compte sans manipulation pralable.


Indicatrices la proc LOGISTIC sest enrichie de linstruction CLASS qui permet de saffranchir de cette tape. By specifying the FAST option PROC LOGISTIC eliminates insignificant variables without refitting the model repeatedly. Recall the main-effects model fit to the Neuralgia data set in Example 512.

This analysis uses a significance level of 02 to retain variables in the model SLSTAY 02 which is different from the previous stepwise analysis where SLSTAY35.

You will get a correlation matrix for parameter estimator drop the. The ROC and ROCCONTRAST statements provide this enhanced functionality. In this case we are usually interested in modeling the probability of a yes. The TreatmentSex interaction which was previously shown to be nonsignificant is added back into the model for this discussion.
