Proc Npar1way Wilcoxon. The Wilcoxon statistic equals 7950. The p-value for the F test is 0001 which indicates that Dose accounts for a significant portion of the variability in the dependent variable Gain.
When computing the asymptotic Wilcoxon two-sample test PROC NPAR1WAY uses a continuity correction by default as described in the Simple Linear Rank Tests for Two-Sample Data. The following statements are available in the NPAR1WAY procedure. Feb 13 2019 The Wilcoxon statistic equals 7950.
The following statements are available in the NPAR1WAY procedure.
EXACT statistic-options computation-options. If you do not specify any analysis options or a STRATA statement PROC NPAR1WAY performs an analysis of variance ANOVA option tests for location differences WILCOXON MEDIAN SAVAGE and VW options and empirical distribution function tests EDF option. EXACT statistic-options computation-options. The NPAR1WAY Procedure Wilcoxon Scores Rank Sums for Variable Gain.