T Test Correlation Point Biserial Model. Lets return again to our Point Biserial Correlation definition. The Point-Biserial Correlation Coefficient is a correlation measure of the strength of association between a continuous-level variable ratio or interval data and a binary variable.
It is divded into independent measures and repeated measures. Oct 01 2014 The range of a point biserial correlation in from -1 to 1. The Point-Biserial Correlation Coefficient is a correlation measure of the strength of association between a continuous-level variable ratio or interval data and a binary variable.
For the biserial correlation this is the value of the z-test which is based on the standard normal distribution.
One of the assumptions of Point-Biserial correlation is that there is similar spread between the two groups of the binary variable. When to use Point-Biserial Correlation. Lets return again to our Point Biserial Correlation definition. Under the Test family drop-down menu select t tests.