Temptation Meaning In Arabic. There are many synonyms of Temptation which include Allurement Appeal Attractiveness Bait Blandishment Coaxing Decoy Draw Enticement Fancy Fascination Hankering Inducement Inveiglement Invitation Seducement Seduction Snare Tantalization Trap Yen Pull. It has been said in real life that temptations must be avoided at all cost.
Tɛmpˈteɪ ʃən temptation Would you like to know how to translate temptation to Arabic. You can complete the definition of into temptation given by the English Definition dictionary with other English dictionaries. 79 they cant claim Gods promise of protection.
It stands thus in the Jewish prayers d for the kingdom is thine and thou shalt reign in glory for ever and ever.
2 something that persuades one to perform an action for pleasure or gain. More Arabic words for temptation. Temptation is a sign that one needs to experience emotions. The desire to do something especially something wrong or unwise.