The Spearman Correlation Is Used When Both Scores Are. Visual Analogue Scales VAS and Tinnitus Handicap Inventory THI are frequently used in tinnitus. One of the most challenging topics in tinnitus clinical studies is the measuring method used.
The spearman correlation is used to measure the relationship when both variables have been measured on an ordinal scale both are ranks. Thus its a non-parametric test. List the students names or their serial numbers in column 1.
Steps of Calculation of Spearmans Co-efficient of Correlation.
The Spearman correlation evaluates the monotonic relationship between two continuous or ordinal variables. Sep 30 2019 A correlation could be positive meaning both variables move in the same direction or negative meaning that when one variables value increases the other variables values decrease. Then corr xytypeSpearman. If you want to explore your data it is best to compute both since the relation between the Spearman S and Pearson P correlations will give some information.