The Spearman Correlation Is Used With Mcq. Statisticians also refer to Spearmans rank order correlation coefficient as Spearman. On the other hand the chi-square test tests whether the variables are independent only.
In statistics Spearmans rank correlation coefficient or Spearmans ρ named after Charles Spearman and often denoted by the Greek letter rho or as is a nonparametric measure of rank correlation statistical dependence between the rankings of two variablesIt assesses how well the relationship between two variables can be described using a monotonic function. Jun 25 2020 2 Important Correlation Coefficients Pearson. Moderate correlation was seen between MCQ and SEQ scores r05 p.
MCQs split-half reliability Spearman correlation coefficient and SEQs inter-rater reliability Pearson correlation coefficient were also estimated.
In a monotonic relationship the variables tend to change together but not necessarily at a constant rate. Once you have completed the test click on Submit Answers for Grading to get your results. Statisticians also refer to Spearmans rank order correlation coefficient as Spearman. Jun 25 2020 2 Important Correlation Coefficients Pearson.