Therapeutic Meaning In Urdu. Please review following suggested words. Curative Cure Remedy Therapeutic.
The page not only provides Urdu meaning of Therapy but also gives extensive definition in English language. And Translation of Sanative And Therapeutic in Urdu writing script is. If word you searched is not found in our dictionary please check your spellings and find it in the given belwo matching words.
There are many synonyms of Therapist which include Adviser Analyst Clinician Doctor Physician Shrink Psychoanalyst Psychologist Psychiatrist etc.
Noun branch of medicine concerned with the treatment of disease. If word you searched is not found in our dictionary please check your spellings and find it in the given belwo matching words. Occupational Therapy meaning in Urdu is شغلی علاج and Occupational Therapy word meaning in roman can write as Shugli ilaaj. Therapeutical Meaning in English to Urdu is معالجاتی as written in Urdu and Mualjati as written in Roman Urdu.