These Vs Those In Writing. Feb 04 2019 This is a word. Analyzed based on these.
ThisThese vs ThatThose If an object is here close then use this if it is singular and these if it is plural more than one If an object is there farther away then use that if is it singular and those if it is plural more than one Thisthat can also describe ideas that are close here and farther away. May 25 2016 Although only the pickiest listeners will cringe when you say these are them the traditionally correct phrase is these are they because they is the predicate nominative of these However if people around you seem more comfortable with its me than its I you might as well stick with these are them. These are words the first is singular the second is plural.
Typically the differentiation between this and that is related to the proximity to the speaker.
Thesethose are the plural forms of thisthat and behave in the same way. These and those are the plural equivalents of this and that. That dog is hers. About 144 results Thus we can conclude that the English-language speakers prefer.