Two Tailed Correlation. P-Value Calculator for Correlation Coefficients. Mar 14 2017 A two-tailed test is appropriate if you want to determine if there is any difference between the groups you are comparing.
I want to find pearson correlation should i use 1 tailed or 2 tailed and why. This calculator will tell you the significance both one-tailed and two-tailed probability values of a Pearson correlation coefficient given the correlation value r and the sample size. The test statistic t has the same sign as the correlation coefficient r.
The second output number is the two-tailed p-value.
To make sure that the data results do not have too many errors set a confidence interval. This is what we would expect as the attributes of list b are exactly twice the value of their paired attributes in list a. So let me ask you. If a relationship in either direction is of interest then you should do a two-tailed test or if you will create a confidence interval and dont want it going to infinity in one direction then you should do a two tailed test.