Two Tailed Correlation Significance Table. My correlation is 06833 which means that it is not significant. However I also calculated the P-value which is 0042.
This means that each tail has an area of 0025. In other words the columns labeled 05 025 01 005 0005 for one-tailed probabilities should be changed to 10 05 02 01 and 001 for two-tailed. My correlation is 06833 which means that it is not significant.
There is no association H 1.
I found some authors using Bonferroni approach while deciding the significance level of Pearsons correlation in which the relationship between two variables is said to be significant when the p. Sig 2-Tailed value. The test statistic t has the same sign as the correlation coefficient r. This can be rewritten as P37341 P.