Vi Graph For Filament Lamp. Sep 24 2020 I-V graph for a filament bulb. In the I-V graph of filament lamp for a small voltage the current is proportional to it.
This heats up when an electric current passes through it and produces light as a result. This example looks at how you can take data from a graph to calculate the resistance at a certain value of potential difference. Michael Lipphardt Engineer at Quality Electrodynamics 2015-present Answered 4 years ago.
Use the graph to calculate the resistance of the lamp at a number of different potential differences.
This heats up when an electric current passes through it and produces light as a result. Lampespeciallyofthetungstenlampwhensuppliedwithcurrent at differentvoltages therange ofcolor throughwhich it may be usedas a standardextends from the dull red ofinitial incandes-. A Filament Lamp Here the graph curves because as the filament heats its resistance goes up the resistance of the filament is changing. A filament lamp is a common type of light bulb.