Webpower Multivariate Kurtosis. Funtions wpsemchisq and wpsemrmsea provide anlytical solutions of power analysis for SEM. It can be viewed as a combination of factor analysis and multivariate regression analysis.
The statistic z 1p can be compared against the chi-squared distribution chi _ p p1 p26 2 and the statistic z 2p can be compared against the standard normal distribution N 01 to test a distributions departure from normality. The results showed that the data collected was not multivariate normal. A mediation model can be viewed as a SEM model.
K Zhang Z.
Multivariate Test of normality - Mardia Henze - Zirkler Royston test using R R studioWebsite. Software for estimating univariate and multivariate skewness and kurtosis. Univariate and multivariate skewness and kurtosis calculation for more information about multivariate normality please refer to the attached papers Cain M. It combines two different methods to generate non-normal data one with user-specified multivariate skewness and kurtosis more details can be found in the paper.