Weibull Regression Model Survival Analysis. We let variable age to vary between 20 to 80 years old. Streg can be used with single- or multiple-record or single- or multiple-failure st data.
Median -predictweibullaft newdatalistTRTc01 typequantilep05. As t ranges from 0 to the survival function has the following properties It is non-increasing At time t 0 St 1. The most common cases use a log transformation leading to accelerated failure time models.
Median 1 2 7242697 25721526.
The log-hazard is a linear function of time say t e t. Throughout the Bayesian approach is implemented using R and appropriate illustrations are made. Using the ovarian data set we fit the following Weibull regression model with age and treatment and predictors. In Weibull regression model the outcome is median survival time for a given combination of covariates.