What Is A Reliable Sample Size. The minimum sample size is 100. N z2 p 1 - p e2.
How many trades is considered enough to rely on. The sample size n is calculated according to the formula. For example for a population of 10000 your sample size will be 370 for confidence level 95 and margin of erro 5.
For online surveys in which there is no prior relationship with recipients a response rate of between 20-30 is considered to be highly successful.
For example for a population of 10000 your sample size will be 370 for confidence level 95 and margin of erro 5. Mar 06 2018 Sample size is a count of individual samples or observations in a statistical setting such as a scientific experiment or a survey distributed to the general public. Apr 27 2020 Another sample size formula is. 268x 036 0016.