Wilcoxon Test Table. This handout deals with using Wilcoxon with small sample sizes. If U obs.
They are used in more or less the exact same situations as the corresponding t-tests. Like the t-test the Wilcoxon test comes in two forms one-sample and two-samples. Each observation has a.
Each individual is a case in the SPSS data file and has scores on two variables the score obtained on the measure on.
If U obs. Level of significance Level of significance Two-sided One-sided 020 010 010 005 005 0025 001 0005 Two-sided One-sided 020 010 010 005 005 0025 001 0005. In particular it is suitable for evaluating the data from a repeated-measures design in a situation where the prerequisites for a dependent samples t-test are not met. U critical which is reported in the table below for different combinations of sample-sizes N 1 and N 2 and false-positive rates α then we would reject the null hypothesis H o of no group differences bwtween.