Wilcoxon Z Test. Because the dependent samples t-test analyzes if the average difference of two repeated measures is zero it requires metric interval or ratio and normally distributed data. However I will still be using the z distribution for the sake of brevity.
Interpreting the confidence interval. This particular test is also called the Wilcoxon matched pairs test or the Wilcoxon signed rank testIt is very appropriate for a repeated measure design where the same subjects are evaluated under two different conditions such as with the water maze temperature experiment in Table 83It is the nonparametric equivalent of the parametric paired t-test. The Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test is a statistical test used to determine if 2 measurements from a single group are significantly different from each other on your variable of interest.
The wilcoxtest function provides this information when we set confint TRUE.
The Wilcoxon test which refers to either the Rank Sum test or the Signed Rank test is a nonparametric test that compares two paired groups. The median difference is positive α005. Dont confuse it with the Wilcoxon matched pairs test which compares two paired or matched groups. Non-parametric alternative to the two-independent sample Z t test for the difference between two population central locations is the Wilcoxon rank-sum test also known as Mann-Whitney U-test assumes identical shape and spread This test is based on the ranks in the pooled sample of size n n1 n2 Exact small sample n1 10 n2 10.