Words With Multiple Meanings List. Back to list of words. Multiple-Meaning Words List fair fall fast felt figure file fine firm fit fleet float fly fool foot frog game glass gobble grade ground gum hail hand hang hard head hide hit hold ice initial iron jam jar joker jumper key kid kind land lap last lean leaves left letter lie light like line loaf log long mask match mean might mind mine miss mold.
Words that sound the same but are spelled differently and have different meanings. She decided to make. Another type of multiple-meaning word is a word that is spelled the same but pronounced differently for different definitions.
Doctors and nurses often work very long hours without a break Lets takehave a break.
Mar 18 2014 10 English Words with the most multiple meanings Part 1 1. Taxes spruce temper taxes spruce swallow temple temper swallow temple. She could not concentrate on her book. Multiple meaning words activities.